TOP January 2024 City Centre Retail Spend Insights.

Diane Wehrle, of Rendle Intelligence and Insights, and Beauclair’s Brand Ambassador commented on January’s results:

Consumers clearly reined in their spending in January 2024, with an annual drop in sales across UK town and city centres of -4% from January 2023.  This drop largely emanated from fewer customers making purchases (a drop of -4% from January 2023), however, those customers who did spend also pulled back on the value of their purchases, with a reduction in the average transaction value of -2% from January 2023.

Despite a decline in overall town and city centre sales, there was not a wholesale reduction across all retail categories.  Of the top five retail categories (which account for nearly 80% of all city centre sales), sales in both grocery and health and beauty rose in January 2024 by around +2%, versus January 2023 . In contrast, sales in fashion, food & drink and general retail all declined over the same period.  The fashion sector is facing clear challenges; not only was the annual drop in sales in January of around -10% more than double the declines in food & drink and in General Retail, but it followed a drop in fashion sales of -8% in December 2023.

The food & drink sector took a hit in January with spending -2% below January 2023, however, this followed a Christmas boom with food & drink sales +6% higher in December 2023 than in December 2022.  Sales in the General Retail sector declined annually by -5% in January, but as this comprises department stores which encompass a range of products – particularly cosmetics – the decline is likely to have been offset by the strong performance of the health & beauty sector.

Looking into February, the school half term will hopefully provide a boost to city centre sales, with an opportunity for the Food & Drink category in particular to benefit from family days out.

​The table above shows the average performance of a 62 towns and city centres, across a range of key Retail Spend metrics:

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