TOP 5 August 2023 City Centre Retail Spend Insights

Based on Beauclair Data across 62 City Centres nationwide. 

  1. Customers & Retail Spend up in August 2023
    • Post the wash-out July, consumers returned to City Centres in August, up +5% at a total level and driving with it a 5% increase in Customer Spend.

2. Average Transaction Value growth is behind that of Customers & Retail Spend.

  • Transaction volumes ie the number of times people spend are up more than customers and spend, which is how growth in Average Transaction Value (AVT) ends up lower.
  • This is likely impacted by increased ease and reduced spending limits for debit card tap and go transactions. And also by the cost of living crisis; people spending little and often vs splurging their pay checks in one go.

3. Pre-Holiday Fashion & Health & Beauty spend key driver of August spend.

  • Average City Centre spend on Fashion & Health & Beauty in August was up +8% and +7% respectively. Customers were up +3% and +2%, as people got summer holiday ready!
  • Food & Drink sales across the city centres were up 5% on average, with customer numbers +1%. ATV still in strong growth +5% here, with inflation pressures likely still playing a part.

4. Year-to-date 2023 continues to outpace 2022.

  • Despite cost of living, inflation and even the weather, 2022 YTD spend across our 62 cities is up 6% on average, driven by +5% increase in customers. ATV is up 2% at a total level.
  • Within the top 5 sectors the only negative YTD measure is General Retail ATV.

5. General Retail continues it’s recovery and momentum

  • August was another great month for general retail on the High Street, with customers up +8% and Spend up 10%. YTD growth is also strong.

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