TOP 5 November 2023 City Centre Retail Spend Insights.

Based on Beauclair Data across the largest 62 Cities and Towns nationwide.

  1. Some recovery after a wash-out October, but sales & customers still in decline.
    • Across our 62 Cities, average customers are down -3% and sales are down -2% (November 2023 vs November 2022).  Typically, customer growth is low, buying lower volumes at higher prices to drive small sales growth in most categories.

2. General Retail was the standout success. Sales & customers are up +5% vs Nov 2022, likely helped by extended Black Friday deals.

  • General Retail includes electronics and department stores. Extended Black Friday sales which started in early November may have worked to drive both customers and sales.​
  • ATV has dropped, despite inflationary pressures, potentially reflecting the high level of promotions required to entice cash conscious customers to purchase. ​
  • According to this GFK podcast  success was due to Air Fryers! Savvy customers were making fewer, but higher value, purchases, particularly on items which help to save money.

3. Health and Beauty Sales up +2.5% vs Nov 2022 & leads YTD sector growth.

  • The sector has grown sales in Nov driven by higher ATVs despite flat customer numbers. . ​
  • YTD it is the stand-out sector success with 4% customer growth and 8% sales. 

4. Food & Drink had a muted Nov with the arrival of cold & dark weather, where Grocery benefited 

  • Food & Drink customers were down -1% and sales up +1%, but YTD performance is still strong.​
  • Grocery Customers up +1% and sales up +4%, perhaps benefiting from socialising at home instead.

5. High Street YTD Performance is up on Customers & Sales

  • Despite challenges and well quoted headlines muting customer demand, customers year-to-date have been spending in High Streets, with strong sector performances.

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